Thursday, April 18, 2013

Come at me, bro!

If you look closely, you can see pSeverius with his arms raised in the air.  You would too, if Judi was standing right behind you.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Collapse of Relations

"OH NO!  What are you doing?  Wait a... what the...

We are NO LONGER friends!  This is not Ok!  You are a scourge of this living room!

That's it, I'm activating the rocket pods.  Get burnt, Max."

We Should Hang Out

Nobody won the battle, so Max and Judi have decided to be friends.  Seems to be working out great.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Judi vs Max - First Battle

Large feline gargantuan horror!  FIGHT!  (frenetic house music in the background)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Painted at last

After two hours of cleaning, two hours of assembly, and three hours of painting, Judi is ready to rock.  Here he is with ink and flock.

The Missing Ink

Ok we got the gold, silver, cherry red, hunter green, and winter white paints on you, Judi.  Now I just need to add ink and flock your base.

Going for Gold

Alright, Judi, simmer down for a minute and let me get this gold paint on you.  Seriously, leave the d@mned cat alone for two seconds... there we go.

Attack Mode - GO

After a solid coat of black satin krylon (because the walhizzy was out of flat), I had just enough time to spray a bit of flat white on Judi before he went after Max again.  Total time invested so far, including Max combat, cleaning, priming, and ridiculous photos - two hours.  I've heard tales of people taking more time to clean one of these models.  Use tin snips (any hardware store) for the big bits, spru cutters (any hobby store) for good sized flare or the remnants after the snips, and an exacto knife for the fine tuning.  For black primer, just hit him with it all over.  For the white, hold the can about 8 inches away, 45 degree angle, and give it a light touch for some speedy shadow effects that will take little time and give Judi some extra ass kicking ability, if you believe in that sort of thing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First Encounter with Max

Drama!  No sooner did I apply the black primer  than Judi ran into Max, some kind of gargantuan feline.  Judi wasn't having it.

Getting it together

Fully assembled, I could tell Judi was starting to get his confidence.  Time for some paint.  Think I'll start with black primer...

Finding Judi

I found Judi partially dismantled on the dining room table.  He didn't say much.  Anything, actually.  But I knew I had to fix him.